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NICE GAME! Even if it is only a prototype it shows some massive potential.


Really fun to play and a cool game. The mechanics are quite polished, the level design is good, the progression as of now seems decent, and the rest of everything else is quite acceptable. You are going in the right direction, however, as it is under development phase, here are some ideas to consider to make this game even more super polished -

1. The jump is quick and snappy giving the right platformer feel. But also make sure to integrate the coyote time and the jump buffer to juice up the feel.

2. If possible and if it suits your gameplay then why not keep multi jump? Only if required.

3. Add some particle effect when the player lands on the surface after jumping.

4. Plosh up the Camer Movement a bt and make sure that the camera doesn't move always, rather it should track the player whenever it's needed.

5. Instead of keeping a completely black background, consider adding up some parallax background to feel good. 

6. The current progression of the game is quite good and going in the right direction, so, do check that ahead of time while developing this game. 

7. How about adding up power-ups and more such things to this game, for example, Super Dash, Stomp, etc.